Truth: In 1,000 Words or Less by Author Steven Craig

Louisiana’s Attempt at Sharia Law When I penned a column back at the end of November 2023 entitled “A Crash Course on the Separation of Church and State”, there was no way I thought I’d be back here writing about this all over again a mere six months later.  But here we are.  Thank you, […]

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Democrats Just Missed Another Huge Opportunity

Democrats Just Missed Another Huge Opportunity Democrats had yet another good night on Tuesday with key legislative and gubernatorial victories that will help push the progressive agenda forward.  In particular, voters in several states, most notably Ohio and Michigan, elected to enshrine women’s reproductive rights into their state’s constitutions.  Given the dark cloud that has […]

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Zen and the Art of Ice Hockey Shenanigans My family is hardly what you would call a bunch of highly-skilled athletes.  In fact, we may be to sports what the Kardashians are to academic debate.  My father, despite having lived on a golf course for nearly two decades now and taking lessons for most of […]

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FOX Snooze

FOX Snooze Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make.  From this point forward, I will no longer utter the phrase FOX News.  Instead, I will remove the “News” moniker and simply refer to that puppet show of fake journalism as FOX.  After the revelations this past week from the Dominion voting machines trial, […]

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Obstruction Junction- What’s Your Function?

Obstruction Junction- What’s Your Function? As a grammar teacher, I love showing my classes those old school Schoolhouse Rock videos that informed much of our knowledge in between Scooby Doo cartoons in the 1970’s. In fact, if it weren’t for Schoolhouse Rock, I’m pretty sure I, and many of my late 40’s/early 50’s brethren, wouldn’t […]

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Once in Awhile You Get Shown the Light in the Strangest of Places if You Look at it Right

Once in Awhile You Get Shown the Light in the Strangest of Places if You Look at it Right Assumptions are like assholes: Everybody has them and they are usually full of shit.  We all know that whenever you “assume” anything, you just end up making an “ass” out of “u” and “me”, but somehow […]

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The Supreme Court Just Grabbed Women (and the rest of us) By The Pussy

The Supreme Court Just Grabbed Women (and the rest of us) by the Pussy I am angry today. Like seething, foaming-at-the-mouth angry. That’s because, like many of you, I woke up Tuesday morning to the news of the leaked U.S. Supreme Court opinion that is set to undo generations of legal protections for women’s reproduction […]

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Sometimes Affirmative Action Isn’t So Affirmative

Sometimes Affirmative Action Isn’t So Affirmative Raise your hand if you were caught by surprise when Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement a couple weeks back.  Yeah, that’s what I thought.  If you couldn’t see this coming, you must have Coke bottle lenses for glasses, yet somehow dropped them down a bottomless well […]

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You Can’t Fix Stupid (but you can elect it to Congress….)

You Can’t Fix Stupid (But You Can Elect it to Congress) I have tried to refrain from touching on any of the plethora of preposterously stupid things that have come out the engorged pie holes of either Marjorie “I Validate Blonde Stereotypes” Taylor Greene or Lauren “I Make $ Peddling Islamaphobia” Boebert, tried not to […]

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The Double-Sided Sexism of Denying Family Leave

The Double-sided Sexism of Denying Family Leave I have to hand it to Joe Lonsdale.  You see, before my girlfriend brought my attention to this slimy, narcissistic dope-on-a-rope, I didn’t know it was even technically possible to blatantly insult and demean both genders within the exact same statement.  I don’t mean a generalized slur against […]

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Why Baba O’Reily is the Greatest Rock Song of All-Time

Why Baba O’Reily is the Greatest Rock Song of All-Time I’ve been putting this one off for awhile.  Perhaps it’s because I’ve just had too many other pressing topics to write about.  Perhaps it’s because something so purely subjective hardly seems the stuff for TRUTH: In 1000 Words or Less.  Or perhaps it’s simply because […]

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Please Don’t Feed the Bears

Please Don’t Feed the Bears If you have never seen Walter Herzog’s 2005 documentary Grizzly Man about bear enthusiast and conservationist Timothy Treadwell, I highly recommend you do away with your weekend plans right now and make some time to watch this fascinating insight into man’s tenuous relationship with nature. Treadwell, a fascinating and enigmatic […]

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Are You Working Virtually or Virtually Working?

Are You Working Virtually or Virtually Working? Our society is set to undergo a seismic transformation.  I’m talking the kind of fundamental alteration of day-to-day reality that social scientists point to centuries later and say “Yup, that’s when the world changed.”  The advent of the printing press.  The dawn of the Industrial Age.  The first […]

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I’ve Got the Fever

I have no idea what the world will look like when the doors to society magically reopen, and we all emerge from our corona-inspired hibernation, like sleepy bears looking for honey, porridge, and ale, but I hope we do not lose sight of the opportunity that stands before us. Perhaps, just perhaps, this whole circumstance will serve as a much-needed gut punch to our collective consciousness that the very technology that was developed to bring us all together has actually been serving to alienate us further and further from real connection.

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What the World Could Live Without Part II, More New Year’s Resolutions from a Hopelessly Deranged Mind

What the World Could Live Without Part II, More New Year’s Resolutions from a Hopelessly Deranged Mind When I started writing TRUTH: In 1000 Words or Less a couple of years back, I wrote a column of New Year’s resolutions that posited a list of things the world would be better off without.  You know, […]

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The Tacky Things Your Neighbor Puts Up for Christmas

The Tacky Things Your Neighbor Puts Up for Christmas It’s that time of year again- time for your neighbor, in all of his unbridled holiday spirit, to illuminate your neighborhood with more strands of light than the Disneyworld Main Street Electrical Parade.  In a horrifying display of Christmas cheer, he will once again erect a […]

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Republicans Just Screwed You (and they didn’t even buy you dinner)

Republicans Just Screwed You (And they didn’t even buy you dinner)…. Do you feel violated America?  Well, you should.  While you were busy fretting about Trump’s lunatic Twitter rantings regarding Obama wiretapping Trump Tower, Republicans in both Houses of the legislature were busy defiling your rights without your knowledge or consent- sort of like that […]

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Perhaps the Dog House Isn’t so Bad After All….

Perhaps the Dog House Isn’t So Bad After All Years ago, in a short story collection entitled Welcome to the Monkey House, Kurt Vonnegut penned one of my favorite enigmatic short stories, “Thomas Edison’s Shaggy Dog”, in which he humorously hypothesized that dogs were actually infinitely smarter than their human “masters” but merely acted inferior […]

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Father’s Day

I want to focus my theme this week on an often-overlooked group: fathers. Mothers are, after all, the sexier role to play, in more ways than one. When professional football players score a touchdown and the camera finds them celebrating on the sidelines, whom do they thank? Mom. And when you need someone to comfort […]

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Why does Starbucks Hate Jesus?

Why does Starbucks Hate Jesus? Merry Christmas, everyone!  Yes, I said “Merry Christmas”.  Not “Happy Holidays”.  Not “Seasons Greetings”.  Not “Best Wishes for Profiting from Free Market Capitalism”.  That’s right, I said, “Merry Fucking Christmas” people.  Oh no, now I’ve done it; I’ve gone and pissed off people on both sides of the increasingly divisive […]

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