You Can Be Right and Wrong at the Same Time A friend of mine in college once told me that, “Two seemingly mutually exclusive ideas can both be true at the same time.” If that esoteric gibberish seems somewhat mind-numbing, like the weed-induced ramblings of yet another stoner trustafarian wasting his parents’ tuition funds trying […]
The Affliction in American Health Care
The Affliction in American Health Care In the United States, we live under the perpetual delusion that everything here is the best in the world. We believe we have the best economy, the best education, the best healthcare. You name it- we think we’re the best. But in terms of per capita GDP, the United […]
How Gerrymandering Leaves Us With Lauren Boebert
How Gerrymandering Leaves Us With Lauren Boebert Sometimes I am both amazed and appalled that Lauren Boebert and I hail from the same state. And trust me- it has nothing to do with the fact that this pitiful excuse for a congresswoman, whose name ironically shares a voiced bilabial alliteration with the word “bimbo”, opted […]
New Year’s resolutions I’m Sure Not to Keep- 2024 Edition
New Years Resolutions I’m Sure Not to Keep Ah, New Year’s, 2024. Nothing like the start of a new year to remind us of all the crappy things we have been doing to our bodies and souls for the past 364 days, only to spend at least a week or so thinking about how we […]