The Tacky Things Your Neighbor Puts Up for Christmas

The Tacky Things Your Neighbor Puts Up for Christmas It’s that time of year again- time for your neighbor, in all of his unbridled holiday spirit, to illuminate your neighborhood with more strands of light than the Disneyworld Main Street Electrical Parade.  In a horrifying display of Christmas cheer, he will once again erect a […]

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Stop Your Whining

Stop Your Whining If we shadows have offended,  Think but this, and all is mended,  That you have but slumber’d here  While these visions did appear.  And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream. -William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream Why is that we are so easily offended?  What is that […]

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While You’re Busy Making Other Plans

While You’re Busy Making Other Plans Whenever I stop to contemplate whether or not I am doing a decent job of raising my two blessed little ones in an often chaotic world full of parental obstacles and missteps, I take a moment to remember that my son’s two favorite bands are The Beatles and The […]

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